Feminist business and marketing consulting to help you grow, slow and steady.

Does this sound familiar?

When it comes to marketing your business, you feel:

Stuck in a cycle of inconsistency, doing everything or nothing

Frustrated you’re investing time, effort and money without seeing results

Exhausted by the algorithm and constantly shifting expectations of social media

Disenchanted by traditional marketing techniques that don’t align with your values

And before long, you start to blame yourself for being “bad at marketing.”

But it’s not you, babe.

More often than not, these issues stem from a fundamental mismatch between your marketing strategies and tactics, and your business foundations and goals, your personal preferences and values.

Because here’s what I know:

Clarity on your goals and objectives leads to confidence that you’re working on the right things at the right times, which is the key to unlocking consistency.

Work with Slow & Steady for strategy and support to reach your goals, on your own terms.

The Slow & Steady Process

  • We start our work together by creating a holistic picture of your business to benchmark where you are, assess what works and uncover challenges and opportunities.

  • Define your business goals and refine your business foundations to ensure that your offers, pricing and business model are aligned to get you where you want to go.

  • With the final destination in sight, it’s time to create the roadmap, program the GPS and DRIVE! This is where the metaphorical rubber hits the road and you do the thing.

  • Once the strategy is in play, continuous monitoring and measurement is essential to understand what works and where you may need to adjust along the way.

  • Beyond tactics and strategies, I offer you holistic support to tend to all of the softer, more tender parts of yourself that can show up when you’re doing your own thing. Because it’s never just marketing.


  • After working with Amanda, I have so much more clarity around what works well for my business and where to put my energy for the greatest return on my time, which has resulted not only in increased sales, but in feeling a lot more in control and relaxed about planning for different seasons in my business throughout the year.

    Julie Crawford, founder of Knitted Bliss

  • I went into my session feeling very unsure about how to market my Design & Illustration business. I had put off marketing completely because I didn’t feel confident about what first steps to take. After one hour with Amanda, I found a path that felt right for me and my business. She helped me to step back and look at/gather information about my business, brainstorm ideas that are a fit for my niche market, and create a step-by-step plan that feels doable and engaging.

    Amy Borkwood, founder of Together Studios

  • My session with Amanda was supportive and clarifying. I arrived wanting to review my marketing strategy and identify places to streamline, and she really helped me find a few key areas of focus, looking at what I could do more and less of to achieve my goals. She's a wise and insightful guide whose advice is equally intuitive and strategic - a blend I really appreciate. I highly recommend working with her!

    Amelia Hruby, founder of Softer Sounds

Let’s work together!

Audit & Strategy Roadmap

A deep dive into your business and current marketing channels to uncover where the gaps and opportunities are to grow your business and reach your goals.

Investment starting at $1250

Flourish 1:1 Business Advising

Business foundation building, strategy and tender support to help you grow, slow and steady, on your own terms. No two containers are the same.

Investment starting at $500/month

Clarity Sessions

Short and sweet brainstorm sessions perfect for when you just need to talk it through out loud, bounce your ideas off someone else or get another perspective.


Here’s what I bring to our sessions:

  • Almost 20 years of professional communications, marketing and management experience

  • A feminist business lens

  • My intuition and perspective

  • My holistic wellness training which allows me to see ALL of YOU and your business, and tease out some of the softer, stickier things that may be getting in the way of marketing your biz

  • An incredible sense of humour and excellent gif selection abilities

Here’s what you bring to our sessions:

  • A desire to do business differently and break traditional “business as usual” rules

  • Vulnerability to work through the messy stuff that comes up with doing your own things

  • Your crappy first drafts (which probably aren’t that crappy!)

  • Your own sense of humour, not just to laugh at all my jokes, but so we’re not holding anything too tightly

Get started with a vibe check